Spinal Cord Injury Attorney in Charlottesville

Man suffering from back & spine pain due to injury consulting doctor.

Some of the most serious personal injury cases involve trauma to the back and spine. In addition to causing extreme pain, back-and-spine injuries can severely limit your ability to move, work, and live independently. In the most serious cases, injury victims may even suffer partial or complete paralysis.

If you have suffered a back-and-spine injury due to someone else’s carelessness, you are likely entitled to compensation. Among other things, you may be compensated for medical bills, lost income, and lowered quality of life.

For over a century, the Charlottesville spinal cord injury lawyers at Marks & Harrison have helped back injury victims throughout Virginia understand their rights and secure the compensation they deserve. Let us put our experience to work for you. Call us today for a free case evaluation.

Common Causes of Back-and-Spine Injuries

Pain and discomfort in the back and spine often develop due to long-term overexertion and untreated medical conditions. Accidents involving physical trauma can also lead to back-and-spine injuries. When these accidents are caused by another person’s carelessness, injured parties may be entitled to compensation. Among others, scenarios that may lead to back-and-spine injuries include:

Common Types of Back-and-Spine Injuries in Charlottesville

The complex structure of bones, muscles and other soft tissues in and around the back and spine is the foundation of the body’s strength and stability. Therefore, injuries to this area can impact the entire body. Common back-and-spine injuries include:

  • Soft-tissue injuries –Soft-tissue injuries like sprains, strains, and tears are the most common kinds of back injuries. Sprains occur when ligaments connecting bones are overstretched. By contrast, strains occur when muscles or the tendons connecting muscles to bone are overstretched. Overextension of soft tissues can also lead to painful tears.
  • Herniated discs –The vertebrae in your spine are separated by gel-like cushions that prevent the bony surfaces from rubbing against each other. Over time, these cushions can become damaged or worn down. When they begin to bulge outward between the vertebrae, they are said to be herniated. Worn and herniated discs can cause extreme pain and severely limit your range of movement.
  • Vertebral fractures –Bone fractures in the spine are a particularly devastating kind of back injury. They typically occur due to untreated bone disease or major trauma. Minor fractures do not always require surgical procedures. However, fractures that put pressure on the spinal cord can sometimes result in reduced sensation and even complete paralysis. Invasive surgery may be necessary to treat serious fractures and realign displaced bones.

Different Types of Spinal Cord Injuries in Charlottesville

The vertebrae making up the spinal column are grouped into segments. These segments work together to provide structure to the body and act as a critical hub for the nervous system. Damage to any of these segments can cause serious medical problems. The vertebral segments in the human body and associated “spinal cord injuries” (SCIs) are classified as follows:

  • Complete –A complete SCI results in permanent damage to the spinal cord and total loss of sensation and movement below the injury site.
  • Incomplete –An incomplete SCI involves partial damage to the spinal cord and results in partial or temporary loss of sensation or movement.
  • Cervical –A cervical SCI affects the vertebrae running through the neck. This kind of injury is among the most severe and may result in total loss of function from the neck down.
  • Thoracic –A thoracic SCI affects the upper chest, mid-back, and abdomen, sometimes leaving patients with normal function in the arms and hands.
  • Lumbar –A lumbar SCI affects the hips and legs. Often, patients suffering from this kind of injury require wheelchairs or leg braces to move around.
  • Sacral –A sacral SCI affects the hips, back of the thighs, and buttocks. Sacral SCI patients often retain the ability to walk.

What Compensation Is Available Through a Back-and-Spine Injury Claim?

If you suffered a back-and-spine injury due to someone else’s negligence, you are likely entitled to legal compensation. Depending on the circumstances of the accident and the severity of your injuries, you may be compensated for:

  • Medical expenses from treating your injuries, including emergency room visits, hospital stays, follow-up appointments, physical therapy, medications, and medical equipment
  • Incidental expenses, such as travel costs incurred while seeking medical treatment
  • Lost income from time missed at work
  • Lost earning capacity if you cannot return to work
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress and trauma
  • Lowered quality of life if you are unable to participate in daily activities or hobbies

At Marks & Harrison, our personal injury attorneys are ready to evaluate your case and identify all possible sources of compensation. Call today for a free case evaluation.

Do I Have a Time Limit for Filing a Back-and-Spine Injury Lawsuit?

Yes, this deadline is known as the statute of limitations. For most personal injury cases, Virginia law sets this deadline at two years from the date of the accident. Missing this deadline can have a serious negative impact on your case.

Subject to very few exceptions, failure to file your case before the deadline passes will result in your case being dismissed in court. In turn, the inability to have your case resolved in court destroys much of your leverage when negotiating an out-of-court settlement with the at-fault party and their insurers. Avoid this result by bringing your case to a spinal cord injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Contact a Charlottesville Spinal Cord Injury Lawyer

If you have suffered a back-and-spine injury due to someone else’s actions, you are likely entitled to compensation. Do not wait to have your case evaluated by a personal injury attorney.

At Marks & Harrison, our experienced team of injury attorneys is a phone call away. We are ready to evaluate your case, identify all potential at-fault parties, and fight for your right to full and fair compensation. Call today for a free consultation.