Truck Accident Attorney in Staunton

Blue semi-truck on the highway with car on the side.

Were you injured or a loved one in a truck accident in Staunton, VA? Do you suspect that the truck driver was tired, distracted, under the influence, or otherwise careless and caused the crash as a result? If so, you could be entitled to compensation for your injuries and accident-related losses.

A Staunton truck accident lawyer from the law firm of Marks & Harrison understands what you’re going through. If you are dealing with painful injuries, ongoing medical treatment or rehabilitation, financial strain from time off of work, emotional trauma, and other losses you never prepared for, we can help. Let our team step in and help you hold the at-fault party accountable. We’re ready to seek fair compensation for you.

Contact our truck accident attorneys today for a free, no-risk consultation about your legal options.

What Caused Your Staunton Truck Accident?

Some of the most common causes of truck accidents in the Staunton area include:

  • Distracted driving – Distracted driving involves any activity that causes the truck driver to take their focus off the task of driving safely. Common examples of driving distractions include texting, talking on the phone, eating and drinking, engaging in personal grooming, daydreaming, and more.
  • Drunk driving – Alcohol and drugs cause impaired judgment, an inability to concentrate, and delayed reaction times. Prescription or over-the-counter medications with sedative effects can also cause impairment.
  • Fatigue – Truck drivers work long hours, and many of them disregard the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) hours of service limits to meet their deadlines. Drivers who work longer than allowed are at risk of becoming fatigued. Similar to alcohol, driver fatigue can cause impaired driving.
  • Speeding and reckless driving – Large trucks need more time and space to come to a complete stop than smaller, lighter vehicles. Truck drivers who exceed the speed limit may not have adequate time to slow down or stop if they suddenly encounter heavy traffic or other obstacles. Other reckless behaviors that can lead to accidents include unsafe lane changes, failure to yield the right-of-way, and aggressive driving.
  • Inexperienced drivers – Truck drivers with little experience who operate large commercial vehicles could be more likely to cause accidents than drivers with extensive experience.
  • Mechanical defects – Sometimes, improperly designed or manufactured truck parts can contribute to truck accidents.

If you were involved in a truck accident, one of the first things you should do is hire a truck accident attorney to investigate the crash and identify the responsible party or parties. Your attorney could use evidence, such as the truck driver’s logbooks, the truck’s black box data, cell phone records, surveillance camera footage, the police report, and witness testimony to determine how the crash occurred.

What Is Your Staunton Truck Accident Claim Worth?

Because every accident is different, it’s impossible to estimate precisely how much your truck accident claim is worth. When you meet with us, you can share the details of the crash, and we can give you an estimate of the value of your claim. In general, though, the more severe your injuries, the more compensation you are entitled to.

Depending on the circumstances of the truck accident you were involved in, you might be able to recover compensation for:

  • Present and future medical costs related to your injuries, including hospital bills, medical care, physical therapy, imaging tests, surgeries, prescription drugs, and more
  • Lost income/ lost wages, if you cannot return to work for some time due to your injuries
  • Reduced earning capacity, if you are temporarily or permanently disabled by the accident and cannot perform all of your usual job tasks
  • Pain and suffering, including physical pain, emotional distress, mental anguish, diminished quality of life, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Property damage, including repairs or replacement of your vehicle, personal items, and more

An experienced Virginia personal injury attorney can calculate your financial and non-financial losses, such as pain and suffering. Your attorney can use this information to negotiate a settlement with the at-fault party’s insurance company.

If the insurance company refuses to negotiate in good faith or fails to offer a fair settlement amount, your truck collision lawyer might recommend filing a personal injury lawsuit to seek damages in court.

Why Do So Many Truck Crashes Happen on Interstate 81 Near Staunton?

Because it’s the longest Interstate in Virginia and a major north-south artery that avoids large urban areas, many long-haul truck drivers use I-81. In recent years it has become even more crowded and dangerous.

Interstates are hazardous today because they were initially designed primarily for passenger vehicles. Commercial trucks were only supposed to make up a small portion of the daily traffic along the highway. But today, large trucks make up a significant percentage of traffic on Interstates.

In addition to the dangers of traffic congestion, unsafe driving contributes to accidents on I-81. Some motorists are less careful on the Interstate than on smaller highways. State police resources may be spread thin, and there are no pedestrians or stoplights to watch out for, which leads truck drivers to speed, tailgate, and engage in other reckless driving behaviors.

Visit our Truck Accident Lawyers offices in Staunton, VA

Who Could Be Liable for a Staunton Truck Wreck?

Truck accidents are particularly challenging to investigate because multiple liable parties are often involved. In a car accident, it’s usually clearer who caused the crash. But commercial vehicle accidents can be much more complex, which is why it’s crucial to consult with an experienced truck accident lawyer.

Potentially liable parties in commercial motor vehicle accidents include:

  • The truck driver – Truckers are typically at least partially responsible for truck accidents. For instance, if a truck driver gets distracted behind the wheel or exceeds the FMCSA’s hours of service limits, the driver could be responsible for a crash.
  • The trucking company – If the trucking company hired an inexperienced driver or failed to provide the driver with adequate training, they may have indirectly contributed to the accident. Likewise, if the trucking company pressured the driver to exceed their hours-of-service limits before the collision, the trucking company could bear some responsibility. If the trucker was an employee, the trucking company would be vicariously liable for the driver’s negligence.
  • Third-party maintenance companies – While some trucking companies perform their own inspections and maintenance, other trucking companies outsource these duties. If a third-party maintenance company failed to inspect or maintain the tractor-trailer properly, they could be liable for the accident.
  • Cargo loaders – Cargo loaders could also potentially bear responsibility for the accident. If they left cargo unsecured, the load could shift around in the truck’s trailer, throwing off the truck’s center of gravity and causing a rollover. If the truck’s bed or trailer is open, the cargo could fall off the truck, causing collisions with other motorists.
  • Parts manufacturers – If a truck accident was caused by defective parts, such as bad brakes, the truck manufacturer or the manufacturer of the faulty parts could be held liable.

A comprehensive investigation will be required to identify all potentially liable parties and all sources of compensation. You should speak with our qualified tractor-trailer accident lawyers as soon as possible after the accident. We have the resources to quickly gather and preserve evidence that proves your case.

Get Help from the Truck Accident Lawyers at our Staunton, VA Law Offices Today

Truck Accident Lawyers - Staunton, VA - Marks & HarrisonWere you or a loved one injured in a truck crash that was caused by someone else’s negligence? If so, contact the Staunton, VA, truck wreck attorneys at the law firm of  Marks & Harrison. We have extensive experience representing victims of truck accidents, and we can help you pursue the full and fair compensation you deserve for your serious injuries.

Reach out to our team today for your free consultation.