Slip and Fall Attorney in Fairfax

Businessman slip and fall in the stairways suffering backache from fall.

Have you or a family member sustained injuries in a Fairfax slip and fall accident? Situations like these can result in severe injuries and substantial financial burdens. You may have to miss weeks of work, the medical bills will pile up quickly, and your quality of life might decline sharply. When someone else caused your injuries, you deserve fair compensation for your losses.

At Marks & Harrison, our Fairfax slip and fall lawyers understand the distress these incidents can cause. For more than a century, our firm has proudly represented Virginia’s injured and helped them recover the money they need. With over two dozen dedicated attorneys on our team and millions recovered for our clients, we have the resources, knowledge, and commitment you want in a slip and fall lawyer. Call us today or reach out online for a free case review.

What Is a Slip and Fall Accident?

Imagine you’re walking in a store, down a sidewalk, or in a parking lot, and you suddenly slip or trip on something wet, icy, or uneven. Because of that unexpected slip or trip, you fall and hurt yourself. A spilled liquid, an icy patch, a misplaced item, or an uneven surface could be the cause of your fall. Such accidents can result in bumps, bruises, or even more severe injuries.

The main thing is that it wasn’t something you could have seen or avoided easily, and it led to you getting hurt. More importantly, if someone else’s negligence was behind the hazard that caused your fall, they might owe you compensation for your injuries. Contact our Fairfax slip and fall injury lawyer now.

What Are Common Causes of Fairfax Slip and Fall Accidents?

In Fairfax, slip and fall accidents often occur due to neglect by the property owner or manager.

Below are some of the most common causes of slip and fall accidents:

  • Wet or slippery floors – Freshly mopped floors or spills can create slippery surfaces that lead to falls.
  • Uneven surfaces – Walking surfaces with unexpected bumps or holes can cause people to trip and fall.
  • Poor lighting – Bad lighting makes it difficult to see and avoid potential hazards on the ground.
  • Weather conditions – Icy, snowy, or rainy weather can make outdoor walking surfaces, such as sidewalks and parking lots, slippery and dangerous.
  • Loose or torn carpeting – Worn or improperly secured carpets can cause people to stumble and fall.
  • Cluttered floors – Objects left on the floor can create tripping hazards, especially in walkways and aisles.
  • Broken or uneven stairs – Stairs that are not in good repair or have irregular steps can lead to serious falls.
  • Lack of handrails – A lack of stable handrails on staircases or ramps can make it hard for people to keep balance.

What Are Some Examples of Slip and Fall Accidents?

Slip and fall accidents can happen in various scenarios, many of which are common in our daily lives.

Here are a few typical examples of slip and fall accidents:

  • Supermarket spills – A shopper slips on a spilled drink that wasn’t cleaned up promptly.
  • Icy sidewalks – Someone falls after stepping on an untreated icy patch outside a storefront.
  • Mall escalators – Loose clothing or footwear gets caught in the escalator, causing a person to trip and fall.
  • Public restrooms – Water pooled on the bathroom floor causes someone to lose their footing.
  • Potholes in parking lots – A deep or hidden pothole leads to a person tripping and injuring themselves.
  • Restaurant floors – Grease or food spills in a restaurant lead to a diner’s unexpected fall.
  • Staircases with broken steps – A step gives way or is uneven, causing someone to fall while going up or down.
  • Recreational areas – Children or adults slip on wet surfaces around swimming pools or playground equipment.

What Injuries Are Common in Slip and Fall Accidents?

When someone experiences a slip and fall accident, the aftermath can range from minor bruises to severe and life-altering injuries.

Some common injuries from Fairfax slip and fall accidents include:

  • Sprains and strains – A sudden slip can force a person’s ligaments or muscles to stretch beyond their capacity, leading to painful sprains or strains.
  • Broken bones – The impact from falling onto a hard surface can result in fractures, especially in the wrists, hips, or ankles.
  • Head injuries – When a person falls and hits their head on an object or the ground, it can lead to concussions or more severe traumatic brain injuries.
  • Cuts and abrasions – Slipping and hitting sharp or rough surfaces can cause open wounds or abrasions.
  • Spinal cord injuries – A hard fall can damage the vertebrae or spinal cord, potentially leading to temporary or permanent paralysis.
  • Dislocated joints – A sudden twist or jolt during a fall can push joints out of position, resulting in a painful dislocation.
  • Bruises or contusions – The force of the fall can cause blood vessels to burst under the skin, leading to visible bruising.
  • Knee injuries – Falling onto a knee or twisting it during a slip can damage ligaments or the kneecap.

What Should I Do After a Slip and Fall?

Slip and fall accidents are disorienting and stressful. But the steps you take afterward are crucial for your well-being and any potential legal action. Seeking medical attention should be your first step after a slip and fall accident.

Here’s a guide on what to do after a slip and fall injury:

  • Document everything – Make notes about the circumstances surrounding your fall, including the location, time, and any factors that may have contributed.
  • Take photos – If possible, return to the accident site and snap pictures of the hazard that caused your fall or any warning signs that were (or weren’t) present.
  • Keep a record of medical treatments – Maintain a detailed log of all your medical appointments, prescriptions, treatments, and any recommendations from healthcare professionals.
  • Preserve evidence – Store the footwear and clothing you were wearing at the time of the accident. It may be helpful later.
  • Do not discuss the accident publicly – Avoid discussing the incident on social media or making statements to insurers without legal counsel.
  • Report the accident – If the accident happened in a business establishment, inform the management. However, avoid signing any documents or making detailed statements without legal advice.
  • Seek legal counsel – Contact a law firm like Marks & Harrison to understand your rights and the best course of action moving forward.

These steps can play a pivotal role in ensuring you’re in the best position after experiencing a slip and fall accident, both health-wise and legally. A personal injury lawyer can tell you more about what to do to protect your rights. Contact our Fairfax personal injury lawyer today.

How to Prove Fault in a Slip and Fall Accident

The property owner or manager is often to blame for a slip and fall accident. However, for an injured party to recover compensation, they must show that the property owner or manager acted negligently. In most cases, the injured party must prove that they were aware or should have been aware of the hazard but did not address the issue or warn visitors.

Some evidence that can help establish liability for a slip and fall accident includes:

  • Maintenance records – These can reveal whether the property owner regularly checked for and addressed potential hazards.
  • Witness testimonies – Statements from those who saw the accident or are familiar with the property’s conditions can be valuable in these cases.
  • Security footage – Cameras on the property may have captured the accident, showing the state of the premises when the incident occurred.
  • Incident reports – If the hazard led to past incidents, reports of these occurrences can help establish a pattern of negligence.
  • Expert testimony – Expert witnesses, such as safety professionals, can explain the potential danger from the hazard that caused the accident and whether the property owner or manager could have done more.

Can I Be Compensated for My Injuries?

While proving negligence in a Fairfax slip and fall claim can be challenging, plaintiffs can recover significant compensation if they make a compelling case. Depending on the specifics of the case, a successful slip and fall claim may recover money for:

  • Medical bills, both past and future
  • Lost wages
  • Reduced future earnings due to a disability
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Lower quality of life

What Is the Deadline for Filing a Slip and Fall Injury Claim in Virginia?

According to Virginia Code § 8.01-243, you have two years from the accident date to file a slip and fall lawsuit. Missing this deadline means you will likely lose your right to compensation. We advise anyone injured in a slip and fall to contact an attorney immediately, as essential evidence can deteriorate or disappear within days or weeks.

Contact a Fairfax Slip and Fall Lawyer

You should not have to suffer the pain, emotional distress, and financial hardship that comes with a slip and fall accident someone else caused. The team at Marks & Harrison is prepared to work hard to pursue the compensation you need for your injuries. Contact us today for a free case evaluation with a Fairfax slip and fall attorney.