Uber Accident Attorney in Arlington

Passenger using rideshare app to book a ride.

Ridesharing is increasingly popular in Arlington. But more Uber drivers on the street means a higher chance that you’ll be involved in a rideshare accident. Seeking compensation after an Uber collision may be more complicated than in other types of car accident claims. That’s why the advice of an Arlington Uber accident lawyer is so important.

At Marks & Harrison, we stay up-to-date with changes in rideshare accident liability laws and company policies, so we always know every potential option for pursuing compensation. Contact us today to speak with an Arlington Uber accident lawyer during a free initial consultation.

What Are the Common Causes of Uber Accidents?

The causes of Uber accidents are often the same as the causes of other car crashes. However, the chances are higher that an Uber driver may cause a wreck because they are distracted. Rideshare services use mobile apps to connect drivers with passengers. While a rideshare driver is only supposed to use the app while their vehicle is stopped, many use it while driving – especially when pay is competitive.

Uber drivers also use GPS to locate pickup locations and drop-off destinations. Following GPS directions can be distracting, particularly in an unfamiliar part of town. Contact our Arlington car accident lawyer today.

What Types of Injuries Can Happen in an Uber Accident?

Some of the most common types of injuries that victims in an Uber crash may suffer include:

  • Whiplash and other types of neck and cervical spine injuries
  • Spinal cord damage, including paralysis or a herniated disc
  • Bruising and contusions
  • Fractures and broken bones
  • Internal organ damage and internal bleeding
  • Concussions or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Crushing injuries
  • Facial damage from airbags or flying glass

What Should I Do If I Am in an Uber Accident?

If you’ve been in an Uber crash and you or someone else suffered injuries, you should dial 911 for emergency medical services and law enforcement. Even if the collision appears to be minor, it’s best to call the local police. The responding officer can fill out a crash report, which could be helpful if you need to file an insurance claim. The police can also facilitate the exchange of contact information between everyone involved.

Take pictures at the crash scene of any vehicle damage, road conditions, debris in the roadway, traffic signs, or skid marks on the road. Get the contact information of any bystanders who saw the crash as well.

You should see your healthcare provider after the collision, even if you feel fine. Some injuries take days or weeks to show symptoms, so seeing your doctor for an examination is crucial to preventing further injury. Your doctor may order tests to determine if you have internal injuries or prescribe medications for pain. Following your doctor’s treatment plan and keeping all follow-up appointments is essential.

You need to report the collision to Uber using the app as soon as possible. Also, report the crash to your insurance company, even if you are not at fault.

Finally, contact an Uber accident lawyer in Arlington to learn more about your rights and legal options. Contact our Arlington personal injury lawyer today.

Who Could Be Liable for My Injuries After an Uber Accident in Arlington?

Depending on the circumstances, multiple parties could be liable for your injuries after an Uber crash, including:

  • Uber’s liability insurance would apply if an Uber driver hit you while logged into the app and waiting for a trip, on their way to a trip, or on a trip.
  • If an Uber driver hit you while they were clocked out or not logged into the app, their personal auto insurance policy would apply.
  • If another driver hit the Uber vehicle you were riding in, that driver might be liable for your injuries and losses from the crash.
  • If the Uber collision occurred due to a mechanical failure, the designer or manufacturer of the defective part or the mechanic who failed to repair the broken part could be held accountable.
  • A state or local entity responsible for maintaining the roads could be at fault if the Uber accident occurred due to poor road conditions, such as potholes or debris in the road.

What Insurance Do Uber Drivers Have?

When an Uber driver isn’t logged into the app or accepting rides, their own auto policy covers them. If an Uber driver is logged into the app and ready to accept a trip, Uber provides insurance coverage of $50,000 per person and $100,000 per collision for bodily injury, and $25,000 per collision in property damage. Uber provides up to $1,000,000 in property damage and bodily injury per collision if the driver is en route to or on a trip.

How Do You Determine Who Is At Fault for the Accident?

Determining fault in an Uber accident involves gathering evidence that shows how the crash happened. Examples of evidence that attorneys often use to prove liability include:

  • Photos from the crash scene that show vehicle damage, road conditions, or traffic signs
  • Footage from dashcams, traffic cameras, or surveillance cameras at nearby businesses
  • Testimony from witnesses who saw the collision
  • The Uber driver’s employment records and driving history
  • Data from the vehicle’s event data recorder

What Damages Might I Be Able to Recover for an Arlington Uber Accident?

With a successful Uber accident claim, you could recover compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of future earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress

Is There a Statute of Limitations for Filing an Uber Accident Lawsuit in Virginia?

The statute of limitations gives injury victims in Virginia two years from a collision date to file a lawsuit. The two-year statute of limitations for a minor injured in a car crash does not begin to run until the minor turns 18. If you miss the statutory deadline, the court will likely dismiss your case. If this happens, you could lose your right to seek compensation in court.

Contact an Arlington Uber Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been injured in an Uber collision and need help collecting compensation for your medical bills and other losses, contact Marks & Harrison today. We offer a free initial consultation for your claim with an experienced Arlington Uber accident attorney.